Southern Snow Day

My husband is home and the kids and I are soooooo happy.

There were some worried moments when we were afraid he would not be able to

make it home.   Just as his flight was leaving Chicago the bottom fell out and

some of his co-workers did get stranded over night at the airport.

In Atlanta, his flight was delayed several so because of the weather here in the

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South.   Believe it are not my husband spent two weeks in snow and flew home

to South Louisiana —-to more Snow.

I had trouble getting to the airport , not because I can’t drive on icy roads ( that’s

a regular thing when you live up North). but it isn’t here and everyone panics.

They closed the interstate, they closed most of the major road ways, and I

encountered road block after road block trying to get to to airport to pickup my

husband.  Have you ever been to the point where you think “OK,  I know I

shouldn’t, but I think I might just have to smack that police man”

They wouldn’t let you through, but they wouldn’t tell you

how to get you where you needed to go.

It turned out to be a one way in/out with the airport .  Very tricky.

But along with that frustration came the news that the kids had off from school.

(the buses and drivers are not equipped here to drive in those conditions)

so the kids were able to be with dad.

So here is our snow day that daddy brought home from Chicago for us.

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