The View From My Window

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During the frantic rush of the morning routine getting four kids dressed, lunches made

and everyone out the door for school,

I stopped and breathed for just a moment.

My husband called before the girls caught the bus to remind them that he would be heading home tomorrow.

I Love Crossstitch

Yeah!!!!!!!! and that it was -11 there. BRRRRRRR.

Where did I stop?  When I looked out across my front yard and saw the scene in the photo I attached to this post.

That is the view I can see from my kitchen, my south living room windows, my front door, and my laundry room.

Isn’t it beautiful.  Of course it changes through out the day.  But it starts like this.  Sometimes it has a lovely heavy fog/mist rising

from it.  I wish I would have had my camera with me when the girls caught the bus because the bright yellow of the bus

looks just wonderful in contrast to all of the other colors.

I love living here on our two acre plot. Our property is by no means flat. My gardens are on two different levels and the chicken

houses and pins are on yet another level.  The advantage is the lovely view of the lake with woods all around us.

We are well off the beaten path, but not so far that we can’t get to civilization when we need to.

I hope that if your day has started off crazy, you will be able to stop an breathe and find a beautiful view where you are.

I am glad I have mine.

Year Supply of Basics
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