Chris The Builder—not Bob

So while my husband is in Chicago on business (and freezing)  we are slowly coming out of our cold snap.  The sun is out and  my bulbs are starting to peek through yeah!!!

Chris will learn through this post that I plan to add close to 1000 to the count for  the coming year.

Alice and Lily are missing daddy pretty bad.  Their ill humour is a tell tell sign that Friday can’t come soon enough.  Chris is a great dad and wonderful  builder.  He always has projects going on around the house.   Mostly for me and the girls.  The chicken houses and pens.  My garden items—-which are many.  Lots of  in house projects  like door topper shelves which I absolutely love.  Thankfully so does Chris so it is easy to get him to build those and I have to have those because I have lots of antique and vintage nic-nacs to display.

The biggest and most important project though is one he started over Christmas.  A play house for our daughters .

It is very close to being finished. The primer is on, so it just needs to be painted, porch rails added, and some landscaping.

Sur La Table logo

The girls are so excited and I am sure daddy will be busy from the time he hits the Tarmac.

Burpee Gardening
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